Sunday, March 11, 2018


Prompt: Analyze the two passages and write a claim comparing and contrasting the purpose of the writer.

Passage 1:

Inside a Genetics Biology Bacteriology and Embryology class, sat a group of students in the corner of the room. Wait, scratch that- stood a group of students in the corner of the room. They were passionately debating a controversial topic: the possibility of water being wet or not. The majority of the group stood in the position that water isn't wet, except for a two truth seekers. In the background, the substitute teacher stood in awe and a little bit of confusion wondering what was going on, and added the debate into her sub notes. Ironically, another GBBE teacher at the same time dropped a huge jug of water- form meeting content.

Passage 2:

AM I SURROUNDED BY IGNORANCE? Everyone around me- Justin, Paige, even my own lab partner Alicia- thought water isn't wet. Well today, I'm here to prove to all of my readers that water is INDEED wet. First and foremost I have the two GBBE teachers on my side: "any two molecules that are touching are wet". Furthermore, by the law of syllogism, fire is hot, hence water is wet. One definition of wet is "liquid that makes something damp" THEREFORE water applies in that definition! I know many of you've seen that video on twitter saying water isn't wet because "water in a water bottle can't be dried", BUT IT DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH PAPER TOWEL YOU USE. To anyone that says water can't be wet because it makes other things wet, that's just like saying fire cant be hot because it makes other things hot. If you think water isn't wet you're a confused human being, sorry.


  1. Nice blog but I think my argument makes more sense :)

  2. I really like the contrast between the two passages, mainly in tone. The humor in passage 2 was well done!


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