Sunday, October 15, 2017

That's All Folks!

Right now it's 6:55 PM and I'm anxiously trying to write 250 words to get the saving grace grade  of 40/40. This is actually me right now:
Instead of writing about a broad topic of social injustices as I planned on, I'm going to have you, the readers, be my therapist, as Spiegelman so desperately needed in Volume 2 of Maus. Spiegelman said, "instead of working on my book I just lie on my couch for hours and stare at a small grease spot on the upholestery," (Volume II, page 43). This mirrors my situation, but instead of book it's my blog, and instead of lying on the couch for hours I sit on the couch for hours and watch "Gotham".
Every weekend, I feel the impending doom of the blog post coming up. While I do enjoy the feeling of satisfaction as encouraging comments come in, I feel as though every post has to be better than the next. Every post has to reach more comments than the last. And when they don't...
That means I did something wrong this time
This resulted in me writing this blog post with five minutes to spare. Ms. Valentino, no I didn't procrastinate. I started with a draft on Saturday! I was going to write about the guilt of leading an easier life than my parents, but I wasn't feeling that. Next, I was going to write about race and the role it play's in society, but I thought it wasn't good enough. I thought it wouldn't exceed the expectations my classmates had on me. So today at 6:30, I clicked CTR X. I looked at this blank page and tried to go somewhere and I couldn't. Therefore, you guys get this blog post: my explanatory apology. Before you scroll for more, because this is a short one, I'll just let you guys know: that's all, folks!

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog post. Rebellious but fun. Relatable, too. Very enjoyable to read!


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